Return Policy

1. Eligibility for Returns:

  • Customers may initiate a return within 7 days from the date of purchase.

2. Returns of Damaged or Defective Products:

  • If you receive a damaged or defective product, please contact our customer support team within 3 days of delivery.
  • We will provide a full refund or send a replacement product, as per your preference.

3. Returns of Unopened and Unused Products:

  • Unopened and unused products can be returned within 7 days of purchase.
  • Customers are responsible for return shipping fees unless the return is due to our error.

4. Returns Procedure:

  • To initiate a return, please contact our customer support team at or +919746432933 to request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.
  • Securely package the item(s) in the original packaging.
  • Clearly mark the RMA number on the package.
  • Return the package to the address provided when obtaining the RMA number.

5. Refund Process:

  • Refunds will be processed within 10 days of receiving the returned item.
  • Refunds will be issued in the same form of payment used for the original purchase.

6. Non-Returnable Items:

  • Some products may not be eligible for returns due to hygiene and safety reasons. These products will be clearly marked as non-returnable in the product description.

7. Exchange Policy:

  • If you prefer an exchange instead of a refund, please specify your request when initiating the return. We will send you the replacement item upon receiving the returned product.

8. Customer Support:

  • For any questions or concerns regarding returns, please contact our customer support team at or +919746432933

This return policy is subject to change without prior notice. We encourage customers to review the policy before making a purchase.

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